December 15,
How blockchain solves the challenges of modern business
Blockchain technology has proven to be unique in transmitting digital values and providing a high level of trust and security, thus paving its way in various industries.

Netis, led by Tomislav Mučić and Andrej Plankar, deals with finding answers on how blockchain technology helps companies digitize and simplify processes.
We have been advising domestic and foreign companies in planning and installing blockchain solutions in business for many years, whilst also helping them in their development. With our blockchain framework, AceBlock, which, in addition to a secure data exchange communication network, includes modules for the user (AceID) and devices identification (AceIoT) and data storage (AceSpace), we ensure that this type of development is simple, fast and cost-effective.

Projects that focus on digitization
Our technology is already used by some domestic companies. We are most proud of our cooperation with a renowned provider from the energy sector, whom we helped innovate the communication between stakeholders in e-mobility.
During this period, we are also accelerating our efforts to apply for projects that focus on digitalization and draw development funds from European tenders. Along this path, we have already become technological partners or subcontractors for the blockchain in several ambitious projects, including Tourism 4.0, which is building a single platform for tourism service providers in Slovenia. We will also participate in the development of a solution for easy data exchange and authentication into an online service. However, we expect even more such collaborations in the future, so we kindly invite companies with similar plans to connect.
Development of a new platform MyNextID
By applying to the eSSIF-Lab competition, which is part of the Next Generation Internet (NGI) initiative, we also obtained start-up funds for the development of a new product, namely the MyNextID platform, which will be a meeting point between providers or developers of self-sovereign identity (SSI) solutions on the one hand, and web service providers on the other.
For some, blockchain is still associated with cryptocurrencies, nevertheless the technology has proven to be unique in transmitting digital values and providing a high level of trust and security, paving the way for its use in variety of industries.
This is also due to the fact that users want to access to services digitally, whilst e-service providers are facing increasing challenges to ensure security in remote identification and identification, with existing technological solutions not giving a simple answer. Consequently, the user experience suffers the most.
The EU is betting on the blockchain
The digital landscape will undergo many changes in the coming years and the long-awaited acceleration of e-commerce is ahead of us all. In this area, the EU is betting a lot on the blockchain. Under the auspices of the EBSI (European Blockchain Services Infrastructure) project, the EU is establishing standards and parameters for technology infrastructure that will enable entities (users and businesses) to secure, private and fast cross-border transactions online. The project brings together more than 30 countries, including Slovenia, and experts from Netis work as members of the technical team responsible for the architecture and building blocks of the emerging infrastructure.
E-identity to simplify online procedures
Netis experts are also included in the eSSIF (EU Self-Sovereign Identity Infrastructure) working group, which deals with e-identity that will simplify online procedures for verifying users. The aim of the working group is to set up an infrastructure that will enable European citizens to enter several different public and private services securely online from a unique entry point.
Unlike today, users go through the identification process only once and obtain a verified electronic identity, which they can then use with another online provider. Such digital identity system will enable businesses to establish independent but connected ecosystems on the Internet, thus managing the growing complexity and at the same time meeting the various needs and expectations of end users.
Highly educated and established professionals
At Netis, we are thus convinced that the demand for blockchain-enabled solutions will increase tremendously in the coming years. Therefore, we invest a lot in education and communication with the business public and our team, built of highly educated and established experts.
We are also founding members of Blockchain Alliance Europe, which connects, represents and promotes economic entities operating in the field of cryptocurrencies and blockchain, and members of Blockchain Think Tank Slovenia, Infrachain and Enterprise Ethereum Alliance.
This article was originally published in Finance IKT Informator [15.12.2020].
Learn more about us
AceBlock is a blockchain technology framework which enables companies to develop innovative solutions on top of our modular infrastructure. One of its critical ready-made building blocks is AceID, with which any holder can present verifiable credentials everywhere online
AceID is based on a concept of an SSI (Self-Sovereign-Identity) which promotes that digital identity becomes a right for every individual. Because it is portable, it allows online privacy and free movement between different web providers or services from one point, which is possible only when the individual becomes the owner of the data.
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